Client name

Sunburst Books

Project Brief

Take site from old HTML/Cold Fusion site to WooCommerce WordPress site for ease of use and a new redesign with updated user interface and usability. Installing extended search functions for users and backend tools for bulk book editing and warehouse picking. With additional ongoing support needed to maintain the site and server.

Project Date


Originally came to Ideatek Design as a limited usability redesign on the old very outdated cold fusion platform. After that a total site review was made reviewing several places for improvement, including security. A new site redesign and rebuild was in order, moving hosts and getting their own server to support the traffic and security features needed for a modern e-commerce site. I choose WordPress so that the owners would have greater access to modify and update the site and database of books.

We worked together with several contract developers to customize the theme to the clients specifications. Creating usability testing to determine the best changes to streamline user experience.

With team training and support Sunburst Books has really been shining brighter than ever!

Showing a ROI in the first year of a 25% increase in sales and a 45% increase since inception!