Client name

Brooklyn Prep Alumni Association

Project Brief

Hired for a site migration and redesign for this non-profit on a tight budget. Created 3 designs to choose from and worked with former host to gather and transfer all content.
Transferred the data into the new wordpress database and integrated site sync of contact information, member updates and ticket sales to their existing SalesForce account via Gravity Forms integration.

Project Date


Helping people manage their online data in a way that incorporates a teaching ethos.

Brooklyn Prep before image


Hosted for free on a college server with no real oversite or method for updating or control by the stake holders…a change was in order.

Discovery and Migration

After an asset review, we began the content and data migration to create a new website. Based on samples shown to the board of directors, they chose a cleaner more updated look, that is easier to navigate and more importantly update.

With simple video tutorials and how-to emails, I answered questions like, what am I doing wrong and why won’t the images show up.

The team was up to speed and adding content.

Brooklyn prep alumni site